Thursday, September 4, 2014

Ditch the Plastic

Plastics and disposable products are everywhere we look. If you are alive and have seen any sort of news piece, you know that plastics are under fire for many reasons;  from floating trash piles the size of Texas in our oceans to the inability to breakdown in the environment (think--every piece of plastic wrap and every baggie you've ever used is still with us on this planet somewhere). Now, I'm not writing this to make you feel guilty, but to encourage you and show you alternatives.  These alternatives will save you money (direct bonus) and help contribute to a healthier environment in and out of your home (no leaching plastics into your food and less waste).  I see most people toting their re-usable bags to the grocery store (way to go)...again not, judging I've been spotted without mine too!  But here's the deal, check out the flier below to see more ways you can Ditch the Plastic. 
Please share more ideas that you have to stop using plastics and disposable items.  My non-Norwex ditch was last Christmas when I asked for Mason jars and Pyrex bowls with lids for a gift.