Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Thankful for Your Inspiration

November is loaded with Thankful posts I'll just add one more to the mix. (oh yeh, I already did the thankful turkey post)

I am overwhelmed (in a good way) with the response to Norwex®.  I knew it was a good opportunity, a great company, and high quality products when it came my way this past August....but I didn't really know how others would respond, you worry about what people will think.   But every week, I am encouraged to keep going...I'll admit being a Stay at Home Mom, homeschooling, running 2 businesses and trying to run a home is a lot of juggling.  I just keep hearing God say, "I'll give you what you need, you just need to obey".  Maybe you don't hear God talk to you like that, maybe you don't even have a relationship with Him, but apart from Him I can do nothing and it all seems in vain.  So walking with God, I'm so thankful for the customers and friends that I've been given.  Here are just a few of the notes, texts, messages and phone calls I've received:

"I love my Norwex® floor clean" ~Jaime

"Thank you for opening up the conversation about stuff that we all do everyday, it can seem so monotonous and difficult at times, something that we do alone.  It's great to be able to share things that can make cleaning a home and keeping up with the housework easier" ~Lisa

"My family thinks I'm crazy, but I just love how many things I can clean with these cloths and how easy it is" ~Carol

"Enviro cloth on our cooler, looks bran-spankin' new" & "Enviro Cloth use # nasty yellow mesh on a baby packnplay....clean" ~Christa


Another reason that I'm so thankful is that in 2 short months we've been able to donate over $600 to various people/organizations directly because of what I am sharing through Norwex®.   

Thank you for coming to a new type of home party, trusting me, making the investment 
and encouraging me.  I hope that I can continue to encourage each of you through this business and seeking to Live Simply and Love Fully.

Want to join me on this journey?  Consider hosting a show or joining my team.

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