Saturday, January 25, 2014

Give me the basics

How did you ring in the New Year?  Did you make a resolution?  Have you kept it?  Did you make a list of things that you hope to accomplish in 2014?  Truth be told, I haven't done any of those things.  Coming home in the new year after a long trip abroad with a cold snap that kept us inside for 3 days was both a welcome sight and one that has caused me to be a little stir crazy.  Why you might ask?

Well the post holiday clutter and tripping over toys gets to me after awhile, but I'm grateful to be able to say, "No we can't go anywhere today, its too cold" The holidays are such a blessing, our family was given so many thoughtful, useful and fun gifts.  But despite the blessing I struggle to focus on what's important and keep my heart and mind straight amongst the sea of "things" that are strewn about the house because of the newness of them and excitement.  
For me when things have a place and they are in them I have a weird sense of peace. (God is really working on me to find my sense of peace ONLY in HIM-a Frosted Grace post to come I'm sure) 
Finding new ways to get organized comes to the top of the list for me in 2014. I like to have a place for things.  But it is also helping me to realize we have too much stuff and the need to simplify. After the kids were in bed one night, in about 5 minutes, I filled up a garbage bag full of toys and things that we have multiples of or the bin that they belong in was overflowing.  The bins get dumped everyday in hopes of finding a lost treasure (truth be told I think most of the treasures tend to stay buried).  I also am desiring toys of high quality and multi-purpose for the friend Sara at Egg & Twig just posted a really fun one about her new Quatro toy from Germany.....I was so in love with all the toys, furniture and surroundings of Switzerland (close to Germany).

What does all this have to do with the basics...well its what I desire and what I'm trying to implement in our home.  I'm slowly combing blogs, asking for advice, and trying to implement the simplicity of life that I so desire.  I come across so many ideas, but its taking time to implement them.  We purged toys before Christmas, now we are purging again.  We ask for gifts that will allow the kids to enjoy something outside of our home (zoo & museum memberships, college fund gifts, books).  

  I'm thankful that Norwex is offering this month its Clean & Polish pack special  These two cloths(enviro&polish) can replace MANY of your household cleaners (cut the clutter under your sink by 3/4).  I no longer make any of my vinegar and baking soda combinations to spend 20 minutes trying to get my stovetop sparkling clean....or trying to figure out just the right mixture of things to make a streak-free glass cleaner for my kitchen table.  Norwex makes it easy with Clean & Polish...just a wet enviro cloth followed up with a dry polish cloth to clean EVERY surface in my kitchen to a sparkling streak free, chemical free shine.  

PS. I want to give a little prop to the Bubble Bath/Bathtime Fun package....why?  Because its made with only 3 ingredients and helps me to feel good about being able to give my sweet little ones a bubble tubby every once in awhile.  It has this very lovely cherry scent and the kids really enjoy the bubbles!  

Takeaways from this post: get rid of your kitchen cleaners, save time and don't make special concoctions, order the clean and polish, and if you need some extra time to fold laundry while sitting in the bathrooms supervising bathtime, the bubble bath is the perfect playmate :)